Sunday, November 20, 2011


My mom and dad just left Norway and im left alone for a couple of hours. Nice! 
Last spring me and the brothers David and Jonas Odenkrants were skiing together in Funäs. We were out taking pictures and touring around. David said that he would write and article about Funäsdalen (skiarea) for a magiazine called Fall line skiing. So the other day got a magazine in the mail. Fall line skiing! Guess what im in there! So stoked to get my first picture publiced! Im super happy about it! Check it out!

Fall line skiing
Some other GOOD news.. I have signed up with my first sponsors!

Im really stoked about this and i think its gonna be awsome working with these two! They have some pretty amazing stuff! Check out their pages!

Hopefully skiing next weekend... more to come!


  1. Kul Rasmus, Grattis! Blir det us/can i vinter med?

  2. Tack! Känns super! Yes åker den 27 dec till USA!

  3. Fett Razz! :)
    Tycker du ska uppdatera din helmetcam i år och filma massa massa med den. :D

    Melin sa att han har haft mkt att göra men att artikeln kommer upp asap.
